Jennifer Jocz

Former Postdoctoral Fellow

Co-advisor: Charlie Liotta

Socials: Linkedin



2013 – 2018 University of Michigan
PhD in Chemical Engineering
Thesis: Heterogeneous catalyst stability in hydrothermal media
Supervisor: Phillip Savage & Levi Thompson


2009 – 2013 University of Michigan
BSE in Chemical Engineering



  1. Jocz, P. Savage, L. Thompson, “Thermodynamic analysis of catalyst stability in hydrothermal reaction media” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2018) 57(26), 8655-8663.
  2. Jocz, L. Thompson, P. Savage, “Catalyst oxidation and dissolution in supercritical water” Chemistry of Materials (2018) 30, 1218-1229.
  3. Jocz, P. Savage, “Behavior of cholesterol and catalysts in supercritical water” Energy & Fuels (2016), 30, 7937-7946.
  4. Shah, M. Ganesan, J. Jocz, M. Solomon, “Direct current electric field assembly of colloidal crystals displaying reversible structural color” ACS Nano (2014) 8, 8095-8103.